6 Must have exercise equipment for your home gym

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” – John F. Kennedy

Fitness is not just about the body, but it’s also about the mind. Exercise or physical work out in any form, makes you physically as well as mentally strong. The evidence relating to the various benefits of physical exercise is overwhelming.

Home fitness exercises


Some of the benefits of exercises are

Health benefits

·         Prevents obesity.

·         Improves blood circulation and lowers your risk of heart disease

·         Improves the function of insulin lowering the risk of diabetes.

·         Reduces the withdrawal symptoms when you quit smoking

·         Slows down osteoporosis with age

·         Reduces risk of certain cancers like, colon, breast, uterine, lung

·         Lowers the risk of erectile dysfunction in men and increases sexual arousal in women.

Physical benefits

·         It helps in losing fat

·         Controls your weight

·         Helps in building strong bones and muscles

·         Tones your muscles  and increase stamina

Mental benefits

·         Reduces stress and depression

·         Helps you feel more relaxed by elevating your mood

·         develops your thinking, learning and judgement skills

·         Improves sleep


6 Exercise equipment for your home gym

Many of us prefer exercising in the comfort of our home and avoid going to the gym. Others may not have an access to a gym due to the current covid situation when everyone is advised to stay home to protect themselves and others. However, that doesn’t mean you should compromise on your health. If you can’t go to the gym, bring the gym to your home! Here I have listed some basic gym equipment which you must have as a part of your home gym kit.

1.     Resistance work out set

Resistance bands and tubes are great for any strength training routine. They come in variety of sizes, lengths and resistance levels (highly stretchable to heavy duty strength). The most common types available are bands, tube bands with handles, loop bands and therapy bands. They are easy to carry, store and hence are ideal for home use or even when travelling.


2.     Dumbbell

Dumbbells must be a part of your basic fitness routine. They help in strength and weight training and can be used to target specific muscle groups or major muscle groups through multi joint exercises including squats or chest presses. You can opt from a variety of exercises when using dumbbells. These are again easy to store and do not require any special setup and are perfect for your home gym.

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3.     Gym ball

One of the most versatile equipment in your gym kit is the gym ball. When using this, the sky is the limit. It can be used from beginners to well experienced trainers. An exercise ball helps in learning basic coordination, balance and improves posture saving you from back troubles. It is affordable and storable as you can even deflate it when not in use.

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4.     Jump rope

Skipping with a jump rope is a cardio exercise which helps in tightening the core, toning calves and building stamina. 10 minutes of skipping can burn you more calories than 45 minutes of running. But it must be teemed with diet and other exercises as a part of your routine to improve your metabolism.


5.     Aerobic stepper

Aerobics are high intensity cardio work outs. Along with burning calories, it can also boost your mood and energy. It also helps in managing blood pressure and diabetes. As it puts less stress on joints people suffering with osteoporosis and arthritis can do it to improve bone strength. With all these amazing benefits, an aerobic stepper is a must have in your gym kit.


6.     Yoga mat

This is the most basic equipment that one should have. It gives you a better grip while doing your pilates, burpees or other work out routines. Not only does it protect you from injuries, but also keeps your body warm by not letting the heat from your body pass to the floor during yoga or exercise.

Check out other fitness equipments for your home gym from healkit.in


“Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.”

Exercise is the cheapest way to a healthier and a more fulfilling life. How, where, when and which routine do you want to do it is totally up to you. What is important is that you must do it dedicatedly for holistic health benefits.The stronger you are the better you feel.”


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